1) Beside ur lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
blkang tapak tangan..kdg2 ak gigit jari..dan kdg2 juga
ak suke cium motor ak..hhahaha...
2)How did u feel when u woke up this morning?
ngantuk thap gaban..rse mcm nk ponteng kls..
tp mujur ak baek dan berdisiplin..hehe
3) Who was the last person/people you took photo with?
emm..ak biasa bergambar sorang2 ataupom beramai2 ataupom
ak suke amik gmbar moto ak..lol
4) Would you consider urself spoiled?
spoiled tu xtau r tp ak emo gothica..heheh..
5) Have u ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
huh?lol..xpernah..ak mmg bermusuh dgn bdak tine..kecuali ngan isteri ak yg akan dtg..hhahaha
6) Do you want someone to be dead?
emm..xkisah..yg pntg ak idup..
7) What does your last text message say?
mu balik ganu bler?
8) What are you thinking right now?
nape ak dtggalkan?nape broadband ni slow cam faking?nape ak baek?
bler ak nk g mndi?adakah mggu dpan cuti h1n1?dan mcm2 lg..
9) Do you want someone to be with you right now?
haaa..skrang pd pkul 7.42 pm,ak nk solo je..
10) What was the time you went to bed last night?
1-2 pagi kot smbil dgr lagu pastu tertido..
11) Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
wtf tee..
12) Is someone on your mind right now?
hahaha..ade tu ada tp xde..pelik je ayat ak..
ak mmg pelik..
13) Who was the last person who text you?
14) TEN lucky person to do this quiz.
1. ang
2. eppiey
3. stakim
4. dzai
5. ainun
6. sue pinky
7. ac
8. azwa
9. erfida
10. apih
15) Who is no. 2 ? Having a relationship with?
nama dia eppiey..ske ngejas awek..hahha
16) Is no. 3 a male or a female?
male r lol..
17) If no. 7 and no.1 get together, would it be a good?
haha..tah r..no 7 tu ade dh kot..no komen r..
18) What is no.1 studying about?
chemical ke nape au..weh mu stdy nape ang?
19) When was the last time you chatted with them?
time cuti..
20) Is no. 4 single?
hahah..xsingle kot..dia yg tagged ak ni..lol
21) Say something about no. 6
classmate ak form5..bolok leni..hahaha
22) What do you think about no. 3 & no.5 being together?
huahua..ngarot ngat tagged ni..
23) Describe no.9
dia cantik tp ada kapel dh leni kot..tah r..hahaha
24) Do you like no. 8?
ak ske. :D
25) How about no. 10?
dia kwn ak..mesti r ak ske..
min sowi r..
aq jwb dh..
org tag aq lame dh..
lmbt r mu kali ni..
buang la kot tue aminx..
hehe :D
nnt eyda buat k tag nie :)
btl r tu aminx...
aku ade dh..
xyh nk ngade2 wat statement psl relationship aku
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