31 January 2009

Malam Laughing Gas yg celake...

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By aminx89, shot with N82 at 2009-01-30

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By aminx89, shot with N82 at 2009-01-30

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By aminx89 at 2009-01-30

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By aminx89, shot with N82 at 2009-01-30

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By aminx89, shot with N82 at 2009-01-30

Laughing Gas effect....hahahaha..lolololol...mlm gelak ketawa tanpa henti..
kpd pemancing2 berdekatan,sory r kalu mgganggu..hahahaha...
pengalaman baru yg tdak dpt dlupakan..lol..cuti blan 5 nnti plak main lagi..hahaha


azwashamsuddin said...

wah..stylo r ko amin.. ngah3 =)

aming said...

wah..lame xdgr cter whitelover..
smpi ati ko tggalkn ak..heheh
